Memories of Burleigh Heads
2020, filled with restrictions and face masks. I feel further away from home now more than ever. I obviously knew when I moved to Canada that I was moving half a world away from home, but it feels even further now that I can’t just jump on a plane and go if I needed to. At the moment, all of my immediate family is in Australia and I am on my lonesome in Toronto. We’ve lived in different countries for a while now, but there is an added space between us not knowing when we’ll next be together.
As many of us have, I’ve filled many of my quarantine hours looking through my camera roll, reminiscing on ‘the good old days’, when the world was smaller and freer place. Burleigh Heads will forever have a place in my heart and will always hold a sense of home. I was last there in March 2018 and I have no idea when I’ll next be back.
Where will be the first place you visit when the world reopens? Australia is definitely high on the list for me.
Christie x